Project: St Josephs—Horizons
Client: McCarthy & Stone
Value: circa £2.6m
Woodmace Ltd has recently completed the landmark Horizons groundworks and concrete frame in Poole for McCarthy & Stone Developments.
Seven storey multi deck concrete frame. Slender flat slab construction with large span, two way spanning slabs.
Combined groundworks and concrete frame package enabled the frame to commence on site earlier, this provided a mechanism for Woodmace to act as principlal contractor until sufficient frame had been completed for the Main Contractor to commence below. This provided a cost and programme saving enabling Woodmace to complete the frame in 22 weeks.
Utilising internal soffit pan system with external table construction enabled the quick strike and relocation of formwork, maximising the use of formwork, thereby reducing the amount of equipment on-site. Installed Doka table lifting system (TLS) to provide support for distribution of formwork in the event of any crane downtime.
Woodmace Ltd acting as Principal Contractor.