Project: Winchester College—New Sports & Leisure Facilities
Client: Kier Construction
Value: circa £7.5m
New state of the art 7,314m2 sports hub that features three interconnected buildings. Once complete, these will house a 1,400m2 multi-functional sports hall and viewing gallery, a 25m x13m six-lane swimming pool, a seven-booth rifle range as well as squash and fives courts.
Woodmace are delivering the groundworks including deep excavations, foundations, groundworks, reinforced concrete frame and hard landscaping.
During the excavations to form the deep swimming pool, dewatering pumps had to be used to keep the water-table levels low for the construction of the new swimming pool.
As part of the planning conditions, the site is subject to an Archaeological watching brief. Much to the excitement of the archaeologists, they started to make some discoveries. Medieval pottery and a knife were found and, subsequently, a medieval lane and stone-lined well.

Above is a photo showing the Swimming Pool location with basement rooms, currently showing insulation in white and the water proofing being installed in green going under a slab which is 600mm thick. The next photo shows the walls for the new ‘physical education centre’.